18 Science-Backed Tips For Deeper, Longer Sleep


Why, they were all discovered/inspired by dreams of course! Sleep may not solve everything, but it sure solves a lot. Unfortunately for most of us, getting enough sleep can be, er, challenging to say the least.
Maybe, like me, you went into the whole parenting gig thinking that the phrase “sleep like a baby” indicated actual sleep was going to be had by all. You might even have taken some optimistic sleep/snuggle photos when your sweet babe arrived . . .
. . . followed by some, um, more realistic ones . . .
Studies show that sleep makes us smarter, more creative, stronger, happier, more productive, and it even keeps us looking younger, so how do we get it when circumstances are not ideal? (source 1source 2source 3source 4source 5source 6source 7)
As a mama of three, I’ve done quite a bit of research on getting deep, restorative sleep, and things have gotten better as I’ve implemented what I’ve learned. Here’s what I’ve found most helpful:

1. Get Sunlight First Thing In The Morning

Our circadian rhythms – which orchestrate the ebb and flow of cortisol and melatonin – are tied to light and darkness. (source) Cortisol helps us get going in the morning, and melatonin tells our body when it’s time to wind down for bed. Problem is, most of us are out of sync.
To get back on track, we need to spend 15-30 minutes in bright sunlight early in the morning. In one study, workers who got regular sunlight tended to be more physically active during the day and got more sleep at night. They were also found to be generally happier and reported fewer health problems, which is a nice bonus.
Although the workers in that particular study got light throughout the entire day, other research indicates that early morning light produces the best effects. (source 1source 2)


So let me guess, you don’t roll out of bed, yawn daintily like Julie Andrews, and then go out in your front yard to sing about how the hills are alive with the sound of music. That’s okay, you can still get the benefits of early morning light.
Going outside for 15-30 minutes of sun isn’t practical for my family most mornings, so I bought this daylight lamp and put it on the kitchen table. My kids sit under it and work on art projects while I start breakfast. My plan was to join them and sit for 30 minutes or so planning my day, but I felt frustratingly tethered to my chair and stopped doing it.
Instead, I invested in these space-age looking blue/green light glasses, which allow me to move around the house while receiving light therapy. They’re AMAZING – within three days of using them my brain felt lit up like a Christmas tree. I was able to think clearly and feel focused for long stretches of time instead of short bursts – which is what’s been typical for me since becoming a parent. (That’s not just me, right?)
They’re CNN’s #1 gift pick for travelers, have been featured in Forbes, and were developed by a university – I’ll be posting a full review of them soon, but for now you can find them here.
Another option is this wakeup light, which simulates sunrise in your bedroom. It was developed by Phillips, who “carried out extensive research with leading light therapy experts into the relationship between light and well-being. That research showed a positive correlation between dawn simulation and how people feel when they wake up. Waking up to gradual light, like a sunrise, is hard-wired into the human brain. As light falls on a person’s eyes, a message is sent to their brain that stimulates production of cortisol, known as the energy hormone. Waking up to dawn simulation has also been proven to help keep a person’s internal body clock in sync. It helps to regulate our circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep and reduced stress levels – unlike waking up in the dark to a sudden noise like a traditional alarm clock.” (source)
My experience with early morning light: When I lived in the city I slept with blackout curtains so that light from my neighborhood didn’t interfere with my sleep. It helped, but it also meant that my body never experienced a natural sunrise. Now that I sleep out in the country with no light pollution, I experience a natural sunrise every morning. I don’t wake at sunrise (thank goodness), but the gradual addition of light to my room has had some interesting physiological effects. For one – and this is probably TMI – my cycles aligned with the moon. Crazy, right?

2. Avoid Blue Light At Night

We need sunlight during the day to keep our circadian rhythm on the right track, but sunlight at night? Now, that’s just downright confusing  to our bodies.
Unfortunately, computer screens, t.v.’s, phones and even regular light bulbs emit blue light, which the body perceives like sunlight. According to some studies, blue light exposure after sundown can suppress the release of melatonin, which tells our body it’s almost time for bed. But that’s not all it does – melatonin is vital for health, and low levels can cause more problems than just a rough night’s sleep. According to Chris Kresser L.Ac , low melatonin levels have been:
“shown to increase the risk of cancer, impair immune system function, and possibly lead to cardiometabolic consequences such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and heart disease. (111213) With serious consequences like these, preventing melatonin suppression should be a top priority in anyone’s healthy lifestyle.”
But what’s that – you’re not ready to give up screen time after the kids go to bed? Yeah, me neither, and for that matter I’m not going to turn off all the lights and sit in darkness either. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce blue light exposure anyway, and research has shown them to be very effective. (source 1source 2)


Here are three tips for reducing blue light at night:
  • Bright light suppresses more melatonin than low level light, so dim the lights in your house around sunset. I also dim my computer screen, but that’s optional.
  • To block blue light coming from ambient lights  and my t.v. screen, consider wearing amber-hued glasses at night. Uvex sells a very inexpensive version, but they scratch easily and can make the screen seem a little fuzzy while watching movies or shows. After using them for a long time I finally found these – screens appear crisp and clear with them on, they’re affordable, and they’re more comfortable, too!
  • Install F.lux – It’s a free software that removes blue hues from your computer screen at night. Download it here.

3. Optimize Your Levels Of This “Miracle Mineral”

Magnesium fuels about 300 biochemical reactions in the body. In addition, it helps to relax achy muscles, mitigate the effects of stress, and calm the mind by supporting the production of the neurotransmitter GABA.
Sleep problems are often a symptom of magnesium deficiency. We’re not exactly sure why, but we do know that this “miracle mineral” relaxes achy muscles, and calms the mind by assisting with the production of the neurotransmitter GABA and mitigates the effects of stress, so that may be part of it.
This study also suggests that magnesium may improve sleep quality by increasing melatonin levels and decreasing cortisol levels.


The best way to get magnesium is through food, because whole foods come with cofactors that help with nutrient absorption. Unfortunately, due to soil depletion and factors such as stress which increase our need for magnesium, it’s difficult to get all we need from food.
Here’s a guide to magnesium supplementation and here’s a bath salts recipe that can help improve levels.

4. Sleep On A Good Mattress

Duh, right? But seriously, this makes a huge difference. When we sleep on an uncomfortable bed it creates pressure on our hips, back, and shoulders, and we have to move frequently to redistribute our weight. If we don’t, areas under pressure lose circulation and tissue gets damaged. According to the Mayo Clinic, ”Bedsores — also called pressure sores or pressure ulcers — are injuries to skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin.”
Obviously, our bodies do whatever it takes to prevent this damage from happening. Since we don’t typically move around while remaining in Stage 3 and 4 sleep, we have to come up out of that deep, restorative sleep back into lighter sleep to shift our weight.  These “micro-arousals” may inhibit or stop the release of human growth hormone during deep sleep. (source)
In other words, frequently shifting our weight during sleep may prevent us from getting adequate amounts of deep, restorative sleep.
My favorite non-toxic mattress company has solved this problem by creating a mattress that is both soft (for pressure relief) and firm (for proper spinal alignment). I know, it’s always been an either/or choice, but their solution is the real deal.
They have a 60 day, risk-free trial, so if you’re interested in trying them you can have a bed delivered to your door, worry-free. If you decide it’s not for you they will pay to have it shipped back to them. (You do have to pay for shipping to your house and use a mattress protector during the trial period if you think you might want to return it, but if you love yours half as much as I love mine you won’t even consider it.)

5. Give Aromatherapy A Try

In this small study, lavender essential oil  placed in a diffuser improved quality of sleep for individuals who suffer from mild insomnia, and this study concluded that lavender essential oil improved quality of sleep in ischemic heart disease patients. Here’s how I use it in my routine:


My personal preference is to place a relaxing blend (like lavender, mandarin, ylang ylang, valerian and neroli) into a diffuser right before bed. I have one that I carry from room-to-room with me throughout the day, but eventually I’m going to get this one for my bedroom. It’s beautiful, don’t you think?
A good rule of thumb is diffuse for 30-60 minutes, then take an hour off, then repeat if desired. Many diffusers have a timer that you can set to shut off automatically.

6. Get Grounded

A practice called “earthing” is thought to help regulate our hormonal ebbs and flows with a mechanism similar to early morning light.  In a study conducted by Ghalv, M.D. and Dale Teplitz, M.A, earthing reduced overall levels of cortisol and fine-tuned the secretion cycle so that levels were highest in the early morning, which is when it’s most needed.
To practice earthing, all you need to do is go outside. Read more about it here.

7. Set A Caffeine Curfew (And Stick To It)

Caffeine has a life of it’s own – a half-life, that is. Sip that cuppa joe (with 200mg of caffeine) at 3pm, and chances are pretty good that 100mg will still be active in your system at 9pm. Everyone metabolizes caffeine at a different rate, so do some experimenting and find out when your cutoff point should be. (source)

8. Avoid Light Pollution

So, the irony of the above photo is in order to avoid the problems associated with too much light at night, we need to do more than cover our eyes. We now know that our skin senses light in ways we used to think only the eye could, so light can disrupt our circadian rhythm even when we’re wearing a mask.
Blackout curtains are a much better option, and they don’t just come in black. Check out some of the colors that are available here.
Also make sure to cover any lights on your alarm clock or other electronic devices. I throw a clean cloth diaper over our white noise machine/alarm clock every night before bed.

9. Chill Out

“’When you go to sleep, your set point for body temperature — the temperature your brain is trying to achieve — goes down,’ says H. Craig Heller, PhD, professor of biology at Stanford University, who wrote a chapter on temperature and sleep for a medical textbook. ‘Think of it as the internal thermostat.’ If it’s too cold . . . or too hot, the body struggles to achieve this set point.” (source: WebMD)
Experts say the ideal sleep environment for most people is between 65-72F, so find what works for you. I recommend wearing loose, light pajamas to bed so you don’t overheat.
However, if you find that you’re having trouble sleeping because your feet are cold, put on a pair of warm socks. According to this article, research shows that as you get sleepy, your “body’s temperature regulation system redistributes heat from your core to your extremities. Having cold feet demands more from this system and upsets the natural release of melatonin, a hormone related to a proper sleep-wake cycle.”

10. Let The List Go (Just For A Little While)

Do you feel overwhelmed by “to do” lists or other distractions at night? A handful of studies show that meditation and/or relaxation can help you let go and relax. I’ve found belly breathing throughout the day to be helpful, and I also love to listen to relaxing music and/or podcasts while winding down at night.

11. Flex Your Muscles

Though it can take up to four months, exercising for 30 minutes three or four times a week may lengthen the amount of time we sleep while and improve overall sleep quality. (source)
Though I confess I don’t always work it in, my two favorite types of exercise are rebounding and kettlebells. I use this rebounder, which doubles as a playground for my kids when it’s too cold to play outside. (It also folds in half, which I like because I can store it under my bed.) I also have this kettlebell and this kettlebell DVD, which is good for beginners like me.

12. Sip Don’t Slurp

Though alcohol can sometimes help with falling asleep, it actually hurts overall sleep quality by disrupting normal sleep patterns. (source) Researchers are not exactly sure why that is, but some theorize that it has to do with the inhibition of melatonin secretion and/or it’s ability to cause spikes in blood sugar that jolt us wide awake at 2am.
Whatever the reason, if I opt for a big girl beverage (like this this hot buttered rum or spiked eggnog), I make sure to enjoy it early in the evening so that it doesn’t interfere with my sleep. And of course, I sip rather than slurp. ðŸ™‚

13. Brew Sleepy Tea

Brew up a relaxing herbal tea like chamomile or kava kava, which studies suggest may help with falling asleep. (source 1source 2) I like to add in a few additional things to my tea to make it more potent:
  • 1-2 tablespoons of grass-fed gelatin. It’s rich in glycine, which is very calming, and also contains other amino acids that are thought to help with sleep. (source)
  • Honey to taste, which may help with glycogen synthesis
  • A pinch of salt, which some experts believe helps reduce excess cortisol in the body

14. Take A Hot Bath

While our bodies are designed to sleep best in a relatively cool environment (usually 65-72F), this study found that a hot bath 1.5 hours before bed decreased sleep fragmentation in older adults suffering from insomnia.

15. Try Pink Noise

Want to do a little experiment? Listen to this for just sixty seconds, and then read on. (Seriously, try it. It’ll be fun.)
Are you thinking, “Whoa, what was that?” Good! It’s called pink noise, and it’s essentially white noise that has been filtered to be less harsh.
Researchers think it helps sleep because the “steady drone of pink noise slows and regulates your brain waves, which is a hallmark of super-restful sleep.” (source)
In this German study, “pink noise appeared to prolong deep sleep and to increase the size of the subject’s brain waves during that period, as evinced by their EEGs.” According to the writeup, “The slow brain waves that characterize deep sleep are implicated in information processing and memory formation, and sure enough, on the mornings after those brain waves appeared to have been enhanced, the participants remembered a higher number of word pairs (an average of 22, as opposed to 13).”
In another study conducted by Jue Zhang, Ph.D., an associate professor at China’s Peking University, “An impressive 75% of study participants reported more restful sleep when exposed to pink noise. When it came to brain activity, the amount of “stable sleep”—the most restful kind—increased 23% among the nighttime sleepers exposed to pink noise, and more than 45% among nappers.”  (source)


“To experience the benefits of pink noise in your own bedroom, Zhang recommends fans or noisemakers that produce steady, uninterrupted sound or that imitate falling rain or wind,” writes Prevention Magazine.

16. Respect The 10-2 Window

I recently heard Dr. Alan Christianson – author of the upcoming book The Adrenal Reset Diet– say at a small gathering that our bodies are hardwired to do most of their intensive healing/repair work between the hours of 10pm-2am. This may be because in more primitive environments, this window of time is the safest for us to be out of commission.
Remember, we don’t move in the deeper stages of sleep, so we’re more vulnerable. It’s probably best to get that kind of sleep out of the way while predators are still groggy from waking up for their “day,” so that when predators are fully awake and prowling we can run away if needed.
Another interesting phenomenon Dr. Christianson mentioned was the second wind. Have you ever been soooo done with a day that you were ready to go to bed at 6pm, only to find yourself wide awake and scanning Facebook at 10:30 pm later on? Chances are, your body released hormones intended for intensive repair (aka beauty sleep), but because you hadn’t gone to bed yet you experienced it as an energy rush instead.
Now that I know what the second wind is, I try to avoid it, and I’ve noticed it makes a big difference as I work to heal my tired adrenals. I want all those lovely hormones to repair my body and help me feel good, not keep me up watching cat videos on Facebook.

17. Turn Off Wifi At Night

In his new book, Overpowered, Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University argues that EMF exposure is having a profoundly negative effect on our bodies, especially when it come to DNA repair. Dr. Blank doesn’t recommend complete avoidance, but suggests instead that we take precautions with them just like we do with other activities – like wearing seat belts while driving.
Since much of our most important DNA repair activities happen while we sleep, it may be wise to turn off sources of intense EMF exposure during that time.
Note: In addition to turning off wifi, I would also keep cell phones out of the bedroom. However, if it was absolutely necessary to keep it nearby I would put it in airplane mode.

18. Drink Cherry Juice

According to one study, adults suffering from insomnia slept an average of 84 additional minutes after consuming tart cherry juice two times per day for two weeks. Some parents rave about cherry juice as a children’s sleep aid, including my friends Genevieve of Mama Natural and Cara of Health Home & Happiness.
(source: mommypotamus.com)

How to Prevent and Treat Mastitis Naturally

Inside: The symptoms of mastitis and blocked ducts, plus home remedies that may help and tips for preventing mastitis. 
Did you know that when you kiss your baby, your breastmilk changes as needed to combat pathogens? It’s true.
“When a mother kisses her baby, she ‘samples’ those pathogens that are on the baby’s face – the very ones that the baby is about to ingest. These samples are taken up by the mother’s secondary lympoid organs like the tonsils, and memory B cells specific for those pathogens are re-stimulated. These B cells then migrate to the mother’s breasts where they produce just those antibodies that the baby needs!” (Sompayrac)
Yep, your body is amazing, but that doesn’t mean everything comes easily. Mastitis, for example, is no walk in the park . . . unless you’re the type of person that also walks across coals for fun in firewalking ceremonies, that is.

So, what is mastitis?

Mastitis is painful inflammation in one or both breasts. The inflamed area may be engorged (swollen), red, lumpy, unusually warm, or very firm when touched. When there is discomfort but no infection, these symptoms are usually referred to as plugged ducts. When an infection is present, it’s called mastitis. (Romm)

What are the symptoms of mastitis?

Although this is not an exhaustive list, here are some of the most common ones:
  • Breast tenderness, sometimes warm to the touch
  • Swelling/engorgement, often with hard lumps in breast
  • Discomfort while breastfeeding
  • Skin redness
  • Fever, chills, feeling unwell overall
  • Flu-like symptoms

What causes mastitis?

There are three main causes:
Obstructions (aka plugged ducts) – Plugged ducts can occur for many reasons, such as:
  • Poor milk drainage due to an improper latch. Children with tongue ties often have a shallow latch that can cause insufficient drainage.
  • Interrupted feedings where baby doesn’t have time to fully drain the breast.
  • Restrictive clothing (such as an underwire bra) that causes pressure on breast tissue.
  • Long periods between feedings – Sometimes due to being away from baby, but also sometimes due to other circumstances like baby sleeping longer than usual.
Infection – Cracked or bleeding nipples can be a point of injury for bacteria to travel into the breast and cause infection.
Inflammation – Systemic inflammation due to an allergy or localized inflammation due to an injury may also play a role in the development of mastitis.

How To Prevent Mastitis And Plugged Ducts

  • Breastfeed Often – Keeping a flexible schedule and feeding on demand helps regulate your milk; if baby wants to magically sleep through the night (YAY!) or you are away from baby and this isn’t the norm, pumping can help you not go too long between feedings
  • Wear a well-fitting, comfortable bra—Underwires can cause pressure and plug ducts, so use with caution!
  • Eat a nourishing diet
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Make sure baby has a good latch and evaluate for a tongue tie if you think there might be an issue.
  • At the first sign of an issue, try a hot shower or bath and massage the area.
  • For recurring plugged ducts and mastitis, lecithin has been recommended. Eggs are a natural source of lecithin. For more info, go here

Mastitis Treatment Home Remedies

What To Do
  • Rest, rest, rest! Mastitis is a signal that rest is needed, so snuggle with baby in bed as much as possible.
  • Nurse, nurse, nurse! While in bed with baby, nurse on demand—get lots of skin-to-skin contact by taking off your and baby’s clothes as this will encourage breastfeeding.
  • Apply warm compresses or a hot water bottle to the breast before breastfeeding—this will help liquefy the milk pocket and get it moving out of the breast.
  • Massage towards the nipple when baby is breastfeeding on the affected breast.
  • Massage during and between feedings to help loosen the milk pocket.
  • Drink lots of water – staying hydrated is important for keeping your milk supply up, and breastfeeding is the absolute best way to clear blockages.
What to Apply
No need to apply all of these, I’m just offering several options so that you can use what you have on hand if possible.
Warm Compress – Apply a washcloth dipped in hot water or herbal tea – chamomile, ginger, marshmallow root, slippery elm and burdock root are good options. Also in this category: A hot water bottle, tub soak or hot showers with massage.
Potato Poultice – “Apply a poultice of freshly grated raw white potato two to three times a day. This is a wonderful remedy because nearly everyone has a potato, and it is remarkably effective in reducing pain, blockage and inflammation. Remove the poultice when it becomes warm, usually after about 20 minutes, and repeat with fresh grated potato several times daily.” (Romm)
Cabbage Leaves— Apply cold cabbage leaves to affected breast and leave on for about twenty minutes, then remove. If it’s easier, you can line your bra cups with the leaves – just make sure the bra is loose and not restrictive. The leaves can be applied up to three times a day (if applied more than that for a longer period of time, cabbage is known to affect milk supply)
Fenugreek Seed Poultice – Grind a few spoonfuls of fenugreek seed into a powder using a coffee grinder. Add just enough boiling water to make a thick paste. Let it cool enough to be comfortable to touch, then place them on a clean cloth and apply to the affected breast.
Supplements That May Help
  • 4-5 raw garlic cloves per day — The cloves can be coarsely chopped and swallowed.
  • Echinacea Tincture — “Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of echinacea tincture every 2 to 4 hours depending on the severity of the problem. Continue for at least 24 hours after all signs of illness are past. (Romm) Here’s where  to buy an organic echinacea tincture.
  • Poke Root Tincture – “My all-time favorite mastitis remedy is poke root tincture. It usually gets rid of mastitis within 24 hours.” – Mellanie Sheppard, IBCLC, RLC
  • Whole food sources of Vitamin C – Baobab fruit powder is naturally high Vitamin C and is considered safe to drink while breastfeeding (Where to buy baobab fruit powder)

When To See A Doctor

According to Aviva Romm, M.D. – who is also an herbalist and midwife – “Herbal treatment for mastitis consists of herbs to treat local inflammation and infection, and those to relieve systemic symptoms associated with fever such as myalgia and chills . . . Improvements are usually seen within 12 to 24 hours, and complete recovery usually occurs in 48 hours. Should symptoms worsen, abcesses form, or treatment not lead to adequate results within 72 hours, medical treatment should be sought.” (Romm)
According to Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC, you should “Talk to your DR about starting antibiotics immediately if:
  • Mastitis is in both breasts.
  • Baby is less than 2 weeks old, or you have recently been in the hospital.
  • You have broken skin on the nipple with obvious signs of infection.
  • Blood/pus is present in milk.
  • Red streaking is present.
  • Your temperature increases suddenly.
  • Symptoms are sudden and severe.” (Bonyata)

Want more research-backed natural remedies?

No problem, I’ve created a free ebook for you – Kitchen Apothecary: 25+ Natural Remedies Using Ingredients From Your Pantry – as a gift for signing up for my newsletter. You’ll also get updates when I post about safe essential oils for pregnant/breastfeeding mamas, exclusive gifts and coupons (I was able to give away a jar of free coconut oil to anyone who wanted it recently!), plus other goodies.
(source: heathy.com)